Why Are The Collection Authority's

Fees The Lowest In The Industry?

We collect more so we can charge less.

How do we collect more?

By collecting money that other collection agencies can't.

Most businesses that are placed for collection have some type of financial problem. Other collection agencies and attorneys don't have the tools and resources to help business owners with their financial problems - they just add to their problems. They just keep pounding away until they literally drive these small businesses out of business making it just about impossible for you to be paid. Collection agencies, attorneys and even lawsuits can only get you paid when the debtor has money to pay.

But what if a debtor has a serious financial problem? What if they really don't have the money to pay? What if they are barely surviving and the few creditors that are being paid are a higher priority than you are? How do you get paid then?

By getting debtors the financial help they need, you can be paid.

The Collection Authority has all the tools your current agencies have plus one more essential key to collect - the ability to help the debtor financially through new financing or restructuring. This enables us to get you paid on accounts that other agencies can't.

There are 4 types of delinquent debtors.

They are based on each debtor's willingness to pay and their financial ability to pay. The facts are undeniable - most companies placed for collection have some type of financial hardship. The Collection Authority gets you paid from companies that have serious financial problems.

The Collection Authority

95 Route 17 South Ste 310


New Jersey


Call to Learn More: (201) 845-4848

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